Julia had such a great time with her Daddy at the local park that I thought I would post some pics from the evening! She is not afraid of climbing on the larger play areas and is always watching the bigger kids. There was a Chinese girl playing with her friends and she must have been about 10 and she asked us if we were Julias parents and then after we said "yes" she said um um ummmm well....I used to look like her when I was little. It was so cute...Julia kept staring at her and she kept staring at Julia. I often wonder what goes through Julias mind at that moment.
She had such a fun time that she slept so sound when we got home. By the time we got to the car she said Thank you...I had a lot of fun! I love the pictures of her running up the hill with John as the sun was setting
Hey Diane, these pics are terrific! I loved chatting with you tonite on facebook...so good to hear from you! What a sweet story!