Yesterday was an incredible Christmas! Evan and Julia were so excited about Santa coming! We went to 4 PM Christmas mass which was so sweet. I usually sing in the choir at midnight mass but this year I decided to go to the earlier mass to be able to spend more time with my family! The childrens choir was so adorable and they had the nativity scene reenacted by the 2nd graders to a beautiful Amy Grant Christmas song. Julia was so excited pointing at them and telling me that that was Jesus mommy and daddy! We then had my side of the family over for drinks and appetizers which was really nice! The gift that Julia had wrapped in my previous post was apparently only a wrapped piece of cardboard...the outside decorating was actually the gift which I ripped apart thinking there was something inside...I of course had to tape it back...we all had a little laugh!
Christmas morning Evan woke up first and then Julia was crying out! No sleeping in when there are Santa gifts! Julia was very surprised to find her kitchen set all assembled by dada. My sister bought her all of the pots and pans and plastic food and canned goods and tiny boxes of cake mix. She now cooks breakfast lunch and dinner for all of us and is very proud! Evan was very excited to find his top gift which was the Wii. We had a lot of fun doing Wii Fit Plus last night. I love the tennis and the obstacle courses! We then went to John's parents for dinner! His parents yearly tradition is Shrimp Newburg with salad and trifle for dessert....all very yummy! We then stopped off at my moms house since she was having all my cousins and my uncle over from Madison. It amazes me how she cooks for 35 to 40 people at her house every year for Christmas. It was really nice seeing everyone I took Julia into the doctor today and she has another sinus infection and fever so another round of antibiotics...hopefully we will see some improvement soon. Tonight we are going to the Bucks game! Hopefully the roads won't be too bad...it is really snowing hard. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!
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