I can not believe that it has been 10 months since our Julia came home. She has brought such Joy and laughter to our home. I will never forget our first meeting when she walked out in her pink corduroy pants and jacket with her Chinese name in tape across her jacket and the cutest pink patton leather shoes with charms! She looked around and held her arms out to me when the orphange workers said "Go, there is your Mama" She had big tears welling up in her eyes and she looked so afraid. I had so many mixed emotions at that moment....those of love at first sight and also of sadness that she was leaving the only world she ever knew. When we drove up to our house after the long flight home I could hardly wait to introduce her to her big brother who missed his mom and dad for two whole weeks! I whisked her out of the car and out of a deep sleep to walk into a place which was so unfamiliar. Evan cried so hard when he saw her and kept telling me how cute she was!! She just looked around and was very quiet!
Since then she has evolved into a very happy,high energy little girl! She loves to blow me kisses and giggles after each one! She is inquisative asking me, "What's that"??? and she always wants to see what is going on scooting a chair up or a stool and saying "I see" We truly have been blessed with two wonderful children! We have also been blessed with many wonderful friends who we have met along this journey in China! Wish we all lived a little closer but nice to visit everyones blogs! Happy 10th Anniversary Travelmates!!!!!
Congrats on 10 happy months together! Julia was the perfect addition to your family. You are sooo blessed!
ReplyDeleteHope you have a great weekend!
I miss you too! We are sooo blessed and have soooo much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Give Julia hugs from us!!!!
Congratulations! It is amazing how time flies by and how quickly kids change and grow up!
Sharon and MaryAlice