I did not get a chance to post on Thanksgiving. We were very busy. We actually celebrated with both sides of the family. We ended up going to a supper club upnorth to celebrate with my mom and stepfather and all of his kids and their spouses and children.....wow what a large group of people. I can understand why my mom would be overwhelmed with a grp this large for Thanksgiving. We then end up going to my inlaws house for evening Thanksgiving dinner. Two Thanksgiving celebrations and a lot of YMCA the following days!!! My mother in law wanted me to bring an appetizer and I decided on a veggie tray....needed some low calorie options. We all had a terrific time! Julia loved the dessert from Baskin Robbins which was ice cream decorated as a turkey. Tradition has been to wake up at 2 AM the next day and go shopping. I have gone to Best Buy every year and really have gotten good deals but the past few years have been discouraging since I find that people start camping out in tents at 5 PM the evening before. This year I set my alarm for 230 and IT DID NOT GO OFF!!!...must be a sign from above. I actually woke up at 530AM and I am grateful it was not later since I had to be at work at 730. I did end up at Kohl's and then went to Fleet Farm. I had a couple of good deals and a lot of long lines! Hope you all had a terrific Thanksgiving