I am finally posting some pics from Thursday when I was unable to get into my blog to post due to technical difficulties. Julia and I were having fun in the yard and she was watching Elmo with her baby while I was making lunch for us. She is so captivated by Elmo. I have been learning several things about Julia every day. I know she is afraid of lawnmowers and cars driving by. She takes a few steps back into the garage and looks out as to what is making the noise when someone starts up the mower or drives by the house. She loves to run through the grass while I chase her and screams with a high pitch scream when she is excited. She could live on the swing set wanting me to push her higher and higher. She loves climbing and thinks she can climb the ladder really quickly to get up to the slide but does not realize that there are times she can miss a step....she is fearless. She loves chasing after bubbles trying to grab them all. She is fascinated by bikes and dogs. Our neighbor was walking by with her 4 month old son and her dog and Julia goes running after them screaming dog dog dog! She chases any dog that comes by our house!!!lol It is so much fun watching her grow from day to day. She loves all the Childrens songs and puts her fingers together and tells me Issy Bissy mama which is her way of telling me Itsy Bitsy Spider! I love how she makes a diamond with her fingers when we sing Twinkle Twinkle or how she shows me that the babies on the bus go Wah Wah Wah in The Wheels on the Bus! She is so full of energy and love! I am enclosing a few random pics from around the house
Cute pictures! Hope you have a great weekend!