Where has the time gone! Julia finally turned 2 yesterday! I was up trying to post a video on our computer but had to abandon things due to too late and it was not working! We had a really nice party with just the 4 of us! Julia loved her new baby stroller and was pushing it everywhere! She had a little tea party with her babies and her new tea set! She actually kept her bow in her hair most of the time....she figured out that it was there in the restaurant and wanted dada to wear it....eeek!!!
I wanted to add the video clips of us singing Happy Birthday but for some reason when I try to download it says that blogger can not accept! I guess I could use some computer help....Donna would you be able to help?Evan was kind enough to suggest sharing his birthday celebration with Julia for this weekend when the whole family can join us. I am making an Elmo layer cake for Julia and an electric guitar cake for Evan...I am still looking for black licorice strings for the guitar strings. Evan will be 11 on Aug 7th so we figured it would be easier to get everyone together one time since everyones schedules are so busy!
Kathie and Sierra thank you for the nice birthday wish! Sierra I love to hear you say Happy Birthday Julia!
Hi Diane:
ReplyDeleteThis is the only way for my to contact you. Please email me. My daughter is from MaoNan SWI in Maoming City. Her name was Nan Qi Guo.