Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Mom and I with Julia

May 10,2009

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers! Today we had a great time visiting John's parents for breakfast then back for naptime and then to my moms for dinner. Julia had a great time visiting with her cousins. It was cool out but the sun came out for awhile which looked promising.

Julia loved eating and visiting! Evan and I snuck out to the mall for awhile during naptime...I needed my Starbucks fix!

My mom has been a real inspiration to me and has really been there for me through thick and thin....Thank You Mom for your friendship and guidance over the years! I hope I can be the best mom that I can be for Julia. I really want to thank Julia's mother for giving her life.....I think about her often and wish that I could tell her what a wonderful gift she has given us and how I will treasure her forever!

I would love to hear what everyone did on Mother's Day! I hope everyone had a great day.


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you. I will call you this week!!!! I love your blog!!!

  2. It looks like you had a fabulous Mother's Day! I love the little handprint card!

    Hope you have a great week!

  3. Happy Mothers Day!!! It was a happy day in Donna's home and Lauren had a happy time opening Mom's gifts. What a wonderful celebration. Linda

  4. Happy Mothers Day to you Too!

    I am SO happy for you and John and Evan.

    Julia is just a doll :)



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