Julia feeding her baby breakfast
Today we awoke early and got ready for the Memorial Day Parade....getting out of the house is never easy these days but we managed to make it out on time. Julia started the morning by feeding her baby in her high chair. She never had a liking to dolls until lately. We then packed things up and headed out for the annual parade. It always is great to watch all of the war Vets ...they even had the Black Hawk helicopters in formation overhead. I really want to take time out to thank each and every one who has served our country and who is currently serving.
We had a great time. The evening warmed up enough to cook out. We ended up grilling ribs..I started off giving Julia little pieces of meat but she kept staring at all of us eating off of the bone and protested her meat on her plate...who would have thought she would eat the meat right off of the bone!!!
It was sunny yet cold outside so we all had to bundle up. Julia enjoyed watching all of the War Dogs and she loved the various Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. The horses were also very impressive. I only took a few shots. Evan met up with his friend and classmate so we all got to sit together.