Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day

Julia enjoying ribs
Annual parade

Evan and his friend

Julia all bundled up waiting for the parade to begin

Julia feeding her baby breakfast

Today we awoke early and got ready for the Memorial Day Parade....getting out of the house is never easy these days but we managed to make it out on time. Julia started the morning by feeding her baby in her high chair. She never had a liking to dolls until lately. We then packed things up and headed out for the annual parade. It always is great to watch all of the war Vets ...they even had the Black Hawk helicopters in formation overhead. I really want to take time out to thank each and every one who has served our country and who is currently serving.
We had a great time. The evening warmed up enough to cook out. We ended up grilling ribs..I started off giving Julia little pieces of meat but she kept staring at all of us eating off of the bone and protested her meat on her plate...who would have thought she would eat the meat right off of the bone!!!

It was sunny yet cold outside so we all had to bundle up. Julia enjoyed watching all of the War Dogs and she loved the various Disney characters such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. The horses were also very impressive. I only took a few shots. Evan met up with his friend and classmate so we all got to sit together.

Friday, May 22, 2009

80 Degrees in Wisconsin May 21,2009

Meeting new friends/learning to share
Loving the slide


Julia not to certain about the rocking hippo

Bev and Ginger

Julia and I were so happy about the weather so we decided to go to the park before naptime. I invited Ginger and Bev to meet us there. Ginger was baptized with Julia at our church so we got to share the day together which was very special. Ginger,who is 16 months and her older sister were adopted from Vietnam . I love talking to Bev about Gingers adoption journey. . Julia enjoyed the sunshine and the sand and met up with some other children who wanted to play. Julia protested at first but then gave in a little. She loves the slide and climbing but is not too fond of the swings....maybe when she is a little older.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Julias Baptism May 17th 2009

I have been so excited about Julia's Baptism today. It started out a little rough with Julia having a bad cold and little sleep but ended up to be a beautiful day! John and I want to thank Linden (John's niece) and Christine (my sister) for being such terrific godmothers! Deacon Tom Monday had the ceremony and it really was nice! It was a small service with just immediate family. Evan was so handsome and Julia was a little angel. We had the get together at our home afterwards. My sister gave us a memory book for Julia and Linden gave us the cross from her room that she recieved 18 years ago as well as a beautiful dress from her Senior High Trip to Spain.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Baseball Saturday May 16, 2009

Today is sunny...thanks for the Nebraska sunshine Jodee...yet cold. Evan had baseball pictures this morning and plays another game at 3. Julia and I are going to miss the game today due to Julia feeling a little under the weather...Hopefully she will feel better tomorrow and it will warm up.

Jennifer, our social worker came over for our postplacement interview. She asked us how we thought our experience was and I cried...I am an emotional sap....I told her how wonderful our time in China was and how we miss all of our travelmates. You do develop a special bond ...even though we were not able to visit with each family on an individual basis we still feeel a strong connection to everyone.

I am enclosing some pictures taken around the house.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Mom and I with Julia

May 10,2009

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers! Today we had a great time visiting John's parents for breakfast then back for naptime and then to my moms for dinner. Julia had a great time visiting with her cousins. It was cool out but the sun came out for awhile which looked promising.

Julia loved eating and visiting! Evan and I snuck out to the mall for awhile during naptime...I needed my Starbucks fix!

My mom has been a real inspiration to me and has really been there for me through thick and thin....Thank You Mom for your friendship and guidance over the years! I hope I can be the best mom that I can be for Julia. I really want to thank Julia's mother for giving her life.....I think about her often and wish that I could tell her what a wonderful gift she has given us and how I will treasure her forever!

I would love to hear what everyone did on Mother's Day! I hope everyone had a great day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

We Need some Sunshine

I am so happy to get my blog up and running. I have never done this before so please bare with me as I fumble through the next few weeks. Today has been so rainy and gloomy...We could use some 70 or 80 degree days with sun so we can all go outside and play. Julia and Evan have been having fun around the house. . blowing bubbles. Evan's baseball game was cancelled this morning.....BUMMER. We finally have some time to sit down and plan for Julia's Baptism next Sunday.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Better Late Than Never

I never thought I would start blogging but looking at all of our travel mates blogs has really encouraged me to start. My name is Diane and my husband John and I adopted Julia from China in January of 09. She is now 21 months old and has been a real joy!! We do have a biological son Evan who is 10 and he was very excited meeting her for the first time.Julia is from Maoming Province of Guangdong. She is your typical almost 2 yr old with high energy and wanting to explore everything around the house. She loves to climb and nothing is safe....I discovered that our house was really not all that child proof. We had a wonderful time in China and it was bittersweet leaving. We do miss all of the families in our travel grp and hope to communicate better and keep up to date with this blog!