Happy Father's Day to all Dads!! Today was a very busy day at our house. We went out to breakfast to celebrate Father's Day as well as my birthday and my sisterlaw and her husbands anniversary ! Many celebrations combined into one! After breakfast went to my mom and step fathers home to have a quick visit and then into the car to drive Evan to camp for the week! It is Evans first time at camp and he was so excited! Julia loved walking the camp grounds and investigating everything. She got so excited and started running around in her white sandals with her new outfit ....... she ended up running into a huge mud puddle which I just caught her sliding into.....so much for the white sandals!! I am going to miss Evan this week since he has been my helper with Julia in the morning before work! He helps me get out the door in time. I am sure that he will have a great time at camp with all of the activities that they have to offer.
We ended the day by scooping Julia out of her car seat and into the stroller for a continuation of her nap and our 4 mile walk. During out walk we picked up some takeout Chinese and had a nice quiet dinner at home.
John is a wonderful husband and terrific father to Evan and Julia...we want to thank him for everything! Happy Father's Day!