We ended up going to The State Fair on Opening day this past Thursday! Got in for 2.00 per person with two canned items for the Hunger Task Force which I think is a great idea! We had out traditional cream puffs and headed toward the Midway to ride some rides! Opening day had ride tickets for 1.00 which we always take advantage of since Julia loves all of the Kiddie Rides. Evan out of the kindness of his big brother heart used to go on these rides with her and forfeit his tickets but this year she wanted to go all by herself! One of the carnees said she looks like Dora The Explorer as he put her on one the rides. Evan and John went on the roller coaster while Julia and I waved and took pictures! Did not eat any of the fried food on a stick this year. It seems like they love to fry just about anything they can get their hands on and put it on a stick. Julia also liked the animal barn and had fun petting the horses and talking with the goats and sheep!!!
We love fairs too! Looks like you guys had an awesome time!