Today Julia had her ear tubes placed since she has been experiencing too many ear infections this past summer that have been resistant to many different antibiotics. I was worried that they would cancel the surgery since Julia just started to have a runny nose and cough last night...doesn't that figure, is well until the night before surgery. It really is a very simple surgery but I have to say that it is never easy watching your child be carried away from you for surgery when they are young and do not understand!! Luckily the surgery was at 730AM and we had to be there at 600AM. Julia woke up and is so used to eating in her chair first thing after waking up and getting dressed. This morning she kept saying eat eat....as I was putting her jacket on and I kept telling her we will eat later! Her response was NO WAYYYY!! She had an anaesthesiologist who was Asian and was female which both were a plus!! The surgery lasted 15 minutes with about an hr recovery. I could hear her screaming,"MAMAMAMA" out of recovery....so I knew she was okay.
It was a good thing she could bring her stuffed puppy in because Julia does not go anywhere without her puppy! She did get to pick from a bin of stuffed dolls and she chose a flower!! On our way home she threw up all of the apple juice that they gave her in recovery! We found out that she needs ear drops 4 drops twice daily to each ear and they are supposed to burn....I am not looking forward to that!!! She is down for a long nap now....I hope everyone is staying well during this crazy H1N1 time.... I am so glad things went well today!! I am enclosing a couple of pictures from when we got home. I did not think that it was a good idea to snap pictures when she was afraid at the surgical center!
Awe, what a little trooper. I hope she can tolerate those drops and the burning is only for a couple of seconds. Sending her big hugs.
ReplyDeleteI still can't get over how much she looks like my friend Sharon's little girl, MaryAlice.
Oh she looks great!!!! I'm hoping Sierra does as well on Monday!!!!