Wow I have not been blogging for awhile. There has been so many illnesses around our house that I am looking forward to opening up the windows and shooing the flu!! Julia had an ear infection that was discovered at a well check which did not respond to the 10 day course of antibiotics and so she still has the infection combined with bronchitis. I think she picks up so many things at the daycare and passes them on to her mother!! If anyone has any suggestions as to how to stay well when you are in daycare...I am all ears!!! On a brighter note....she is on her second course and is starting to appear a little bit better!!
Today Evan had a game this morning and won.....10 to 3. Did not get to go to this one due to tooo cold for mom and little sister! I did hear that he did steal home....he has the uniform to prove it....lol A couple of weeks ago he started pitching and did a very good job at his first time out....I think the parents are more nervous watching!
After baseball Evan and I decided to take Julia for her first haircut...she was looking kind of shaggy. I am trying to grow her hair out in the back but needed a clean up. We go to a kids salon that does a tremendous job. Julia was not too fond of getting her haircut but was mesmerized when they started blowing bubbles at her. She picked the pink sports car to sit in.
They did put a hair clip in....without her knowing....hope she will keep it in for the day.
John's brother Jim is in town from New York so we are meeting up with him tonight at Johns parents for dinner. Jim brought Julia the cutest turtle...its back lights up with stars that project on the wall and it has pictures of various sea creatures that light up as well...Julia loves it!!
I have been enjoying all of my travel mates blogs.....I am hoping to plan a reunion at Disney world in a few years if anyone would be interested!
Her hair looks adorable!!! Visitors from Ny, I'm jealous it is not us. Where is he from?!!
Love Julia's new do! Cute pink car too!